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Keep tabs on what's new and improved in Mindhive. Check this page for updates on new features, product improvements and more.

04 April 2024

🎉 Mindhive Enhancements and Bug Fixes for a Smoother Experience! 🎉

🚀 What's New and Improved

📨 Bulk Invitation Feature: Streamlining user onboarding! Introducing a bulk invitation feature that allows organization admins to invite multiple new users at once, simplifying the onboarding process. 📨👥

🔧 Corrected Inviter Name Bug: Accurate attribution restored! Fixed an issue where the inviter's name was incorrectly displayed when inviting a new user to organization spaces, ensuring proper recognition. 🔧👤

🔧 Removed Undefined Industry Label: Clarity improved! The "Undefined" industry label has been removed from profile options, providing clearer choices for users. 🔧🏷️

📱 Mobile Home Screen Width Fixed: Optimal viewing experience ensured! The width of the home screen in mobile browsers has been adjusted to fit seamlessly on smaller screens. 📱🖥️

🖼️ Icons Added to Ideation Card Tabs: Visual enhancements added! Icons have been introduced to the ideation card discussion and highlights tabs, improving visual appeal and navigation. 🖼️💡

🛠️ New Button UI for Discussion Invites: Enhanced user interaction! A new button UI has been implemented for accepting discussion invites, offering a fresh and intuitive interface. 🛠️👥

🔒 New Topic Button Disabled for Closed Discussions: Streamlined functionality! The "New Topic" button is now disabled for closed discussions, preventing unnecessary actions and maintaining clarity. 🔒🚫

🎨 Visual Update to Discussion Button: Aesthetic improvements made! The "Discussion" button on blank pages has received a visual update, enhancing its appearance and usability. 🎨🔄

🃏 Updates to Top Three Insight Cards: Data refinement for better insights! The top three insight cards have been updated with new information and metrics, providing more valuable insights to users. 🃏📊

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to refine and enhance the Mindhive platform! 🌟🚀

18 March 2024

🎉 Mindhive Updates and Bug Fixes for Improved Performance and Security! 🎉

🚀 What's New and Improved

🛡️ SOC2 Badge Added to Footer: Building trust for the long term! The SOC2 badge has been added to the footer of both the Squarespace and Mindhive Platform websites, enhancing trust and credibility with users. 🛡️🔒

🐞 Discussion Links in Mobile View Bug Fixed: Seamless navigation restored! Users can now easily access discussion links in mobile view without encountering any issues. 📱🔗

🔗 Multiple Broken Links Fixed: Smooth browsing ensured! Various broken links across the platform have been fixed, providing uninterrupted access to content and resources. 🔗✅

🔲 "Remove from Discussion" Button Functionality Restored: Effortless management regained! The "Remove from Discussion" button in the "People" section of a Mindhive discussion now works as intended, allowing for seamless participant management. 🔲🛠️

📜 Default Discussion Visibility Set to "Public" for Mindhive Earth: Enhanced accessibility! Default discussion visibility has been set to "Public" for Mindhive Earth, ensuring broader access and engagement. 📜🌍

🔄 Web.Mindhive.ai Redirects Fixed: Smooth navigation restored! Various redirects on the web.mindhive.ai domain have been updated, ensuring users are directed to the correct pages without any confusion. 🔄🌐

🔑 Mindhive License Request Feature Added: Simplifying access! Users can now request a Mindhive license directly from organization owners, streamlining the licensing process. 🔑📋

🔒 Content Security Policy (CSP) Implemented: Strengthening security measures! The Content Security Policy (CSP) has been implemented, enhancing security and protecting against malicious attacks. 🔒🔐

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance the Mindhive experience! 🌟🚀

4 March 2024

🎉 Mindhive Updates and Bug Fixes Galore! 🎉

🚀 What's New and Improved

🤖 First Wave of Proxy Agents Created: Introducing the future of AI interaction! The first wave of proxy agents has been created, paving the way for enhanced automated support within Mindhive. 🤖🌊

🔗 Support Hyperlink Added to Error Page: Help at your fingertips! A support hyperlink has been added to the error page, providing easy access to assistance and resources for troubleshooting. 🔗❓

🔐 Apple iPhone Login Bug Fixed: Smooth access restored! Users can now log into Mindhive on their Apple iPhones without encountering any issues. 🔐📱

📊 New PowerBI Report Embedded on Outcomes Tab: Enhanced analytics at your disposal! The latest PowerBI report has been seamlessly embedded on the outcomes tab, providing deeper insights and data visualization. 📊🔍

🖼️ Error Page Main Image Changed: A fresh look for error handling! The main image on the error page has been updated, enhancing the visual appeal and user experience. 🖼️🛠️

🔗 Evidence Link Issue Resolved: Evidence accessible once again! The broken evidence link (FR-4040) has been fixed, ensuring seamless access to supporting documentation. 🔗🔍

📝 Agent Text Errors Fixed: Clear communication ensured! Text errors within agent responses have been corrected, improving clarity and accuracy. 📝✅

📜 Scrolling Added to Post a Question Pop-up: Smooth navigation ensured! Scrolling functionality has been added to the Post a Question pop-up, making it easier to navigate through longer content. 📜🔄

🔄 Reduced AI Repetitive Behavior: More natural interactions! AI repetitive behavior has been minimized, ensuring more varied and engaging interactions with Mindhive agents. 🔄🤖

⚙️ Org Management Screen Enhanced: More control at your fingertips! The Org management screen now includes organization settings, providing administrators with greater flexibility and customization options. ⚙️👥

📝 Post-Submission Comment Hopping Feature Implemented: Enhancing collaboration! The post-submission comment hopping feature has been implemented, allowing users to easily navigate between comments for efficient collaboration. 📝🔄

Stay tuned for further updates as we continue to enhance your Mindhive experience! 🌟🚀

19 February 2024

🎉 Mindhive Bug Fixes and Feature Enhancements Incoming! 🎉

🚀 What's Improved

🔧 TypeError Resolved: No more reading errors! The TypeError related to 'is_owner' has been fixed, ensuring smooth operation without interruptions. 🔧🛠️

💌 Invite Email Functionality Restored: Communication restored! Invite emails are now functioning properly, allowing seamless invitation of new users to Mindhive. 💌🚀

📊 Uncertainty Graphs Now Operational: Insights at your fingertips! Uncertainty graphs are now working as intended, providing valuable visualizations for informed decision-making. 📊🛠️

🔄 Character Limit Enforcement for Question Prompt: Keep it concise! Users will now be prompted to adhere to a character limit when utilizing the "Ask a Question" button, promoting clear and concise inquiries. 🔄📏

❌ Removal of "Create a Free Account" Button: Streamlined user experience! The "Create a free account" button has been removed, reducing clutter and simplifying the user interface. ❌🔒

🔄 Real-Time Updates for User and Agent Replies: Stay in sync! User and agent replies now update in real-time, providing a seamless and responsive interaction experience within Mindhive. 🔄🔄

🔧 Comment Replies Order Issue Fixed: Back in sequence! Comment replies will now appear in the correct order, ensuring logical and coherent discussions. 🔧🔄

📊 Embedding of PowerBI Report on Outcomes Tab: Enhanced data visualization! The new PowerBI report has been embedded on the outcomes tab, offering richer insights and analytics. 📊🔍

🎨 Mindhive Website Pricing Page Revamped: A fresh look! The pricing page on the Mindhive website has undergone a revamp, presenting information in a clear and visually appealing manner. 🎨🌐

🐞 Comment Content Duplication Bug Squashed: No more duplicates! The issue of comment content duplication on article pages has been resolved, ensuring a seamless reading experience. 🐞🛠️

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance and refine Mindhive! 🌟🚀

02 February 2024

🎉 Mindhive Bug Fixes and Enhancements Galore! 🎉

🚀 What's Improved

🔑 Sign-in Functionality Fixed: Smooth access restored! Users can now sign in without encountering any issues, ensuring seamless access to Mindhive. 🔑🛠️

🚪 Logout Page Redirection Corrected: Heading in the right direction! Logout now correctly navigates users to the intended sales landing page, providing a seamless transition. 🚪🛠️

📧 Emailed URLs Pointing to Correct Domains: Accurate links ensured! URLs in emails now correctly direct users to the new domains, ensuring consistency and reliability. 📧🌐

📚 Conclusion Tab Availability Improved: Continuous access ensured! The conclusion tab remains available while challenges are still active, allowing users to access valuable information at any time. 📚🔄

📢 Call-to-Action Text Enhanced: Clearer invitation prompts! The call-to-action text has been updated to say "invite," providing clearer guidance for users. 📢👥

🤖 AI-Assisted Question Posting Redirection Fixed: No more redirects to manual creation! Users will now be properly redirected to AI-assisted question posting instead of manual discussion creation. 🤖🛠️

🔄 Dashboard Update Frequency Improved: Stay up to date! The dashboard now updates with the most recent discussions, ensuring users are always informed. 🔄📆

🌐 Website Domain Update: Keeping things current! The website domains have been updated to reflect the latest changes, ensuring consistency across Mindhive platforms. 🌐🔄

🔒 Security.txt File Added: Safety first! The security.txt file has been added to ensure transparency and facilitate communication with security researchers. 🔒📄

🔄 User-Created Discussions Placement Fixed: Proper categorization ensured! User-created discussions are now correctly placed in the "Discussions You Follow" section, improving organization. 🔄👤

🔗 Correct URL Routing for Landing Page: Seamless navigation ensured! URL routing for the Mindhive landing page and platform has been adjusted to ensure users are directed to the correct destinations. 🔗🚀

🔙 'Jump Back In' Button and Email Invite Design Improved: Enhanced user experience! The 'Jump Back In' button now offers better redirection, and email invites feature improved design for clarity. 🔙💌

🔖 Replies Added as Source and Destination: Enhanced functionality! Replies can now serve as both a source and destination within Mindhive, providing more flexibility and connectivity. 🔖🚀

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to refine and enhance Mindhive! 🌟🚀

19 January 2024

🎉 Mindhive Bug Fixes and User Experience Enhancements! 🎉

🚀 What's Improved

🔒 Password Reset Link Expiry Fix: Security strengthened! The issue where account password reset links were not expiring after 24 hours has been resolved, ensuring the security of password recovery processes. 🔒🛠️

🌐 Landing Page Blank Section Fix: Clarity restored! The occasional appearance of a blank section on the Mindhive landing page has been addressed, providing a seamless and complete landing page experience. 🌐🚀

🔄 Backend Changes for Challenge Days Calculation: Under the hood improvements! Backend changes have been implemented to fix fields related to calculating the remaining days on challenges, ensuring accurate and reliable data. 🔄📅

🚫 Red Error Message Removal: A cleaner look! The red error message that was previously displayed across the website has been removed, contributing to a cleaner and more cohesive visual experience. 🚫🚀

🔄 Discussions Dashboard "Remaining Time" Notification Fix: Precision restored! An issue with the "remaining time" notification for discussions you follow on the dashboard has been fixed, providing accurate and reliable time information. 🔄⏳

🌐 Improved UX for Unlicensed Users: A friendlier experience! The user experience has been enhanced for situations where a user does not have a license, ensuring clear communication and guidance. 🌐👤

🚫 Sources Section Hiding: Streamlining content! The sources section will no longer be displayed when there are no sources available, creating a cleaner and more focused view. 🚫📚

🔄 Uncategorized Ideation Card Removal: Better organization! The uncategorized ideation card has been removed from new discussions, contributing to a more organized and categorized ideation process. 🔄🃏

📝 Hyperlink Information Update: Enterprise focus! Information related to hyperlinks has been updated to center around the enterprise context rather than the community, ensuring relevance and accuracy. 📝🏢

🚫 Stop Sending All Sendgrid Emails: Strategic communication! The cessation of sending out all Sendgrid emails is a deliberate move to refine and optimize email communications within Mindhive. 🚫📧

🗑️ 3 Days to Go Email Cleanup: A tidier countdown! The 3 days to go email has undergone cleanup, ensuring that the communication is clear and concise for users. 🗑️📅

Stay tuned for more updates as we continuously refine and enhance your Mindhive experience! 🌟🚀

5 January 2024

🎉 Mindhive Bug Fixes, Enhancements, and Design Updates Galore! 🎉

🚀 What's New

🐞 Button Overflow Bug Fix: No more spills! Buttons are now contained within the page, preventing them from overflowing and ensuring a tidy and user-friendly interface. 🐞🛠️

⏱️ Agent Response Time Improvement: Speeding things up! Efforts are underway to enhance the response time of our agents, making interactions within Mindhive more efficient and seamless. ⏱️🤖

🚫 Removal of "No Image Preview": Clearing clutter! The "no image preview" placeholder has been removed, providing a cleaner and more polished look within Mindhive. 🚫🖼️

🐞 Blank Participant Visibility Fix: Disappearing act resolved! Blank participants will no longer erroneously appear in the participants list, ensuring accurate and meaningful participant representation. 🐞👥

🔷 Blue Box Content Border Fix: The blue border issue has been resolved! Content within Mindhive discussions will no longer display an unintended blue box, ensuring a smoother visual experience. 🔷🛠️

🔄 Comment Box Persistence Bug Fix: Refresh without worries! The issue of an empty comment box after page refresh has been rectified, ensuring your comments persist as expected. 🔄💬

🛈 Tooltips Creation: Adding guidance! Tooltips have been created for various icons within Mindhive, providing helpful hints and information for easier navigation. 🛈💡

👤 Default Avatar Implementation: Welcoming new users! New users will now have a default avatar, adding a personalized touch to their profiles upon joining Mindhive. 👤🌟

📝 Max Comment Length Increase: More room for expression! The maximum comment length has been increased, allowing users to express themselves more freely within discussions. 📝🆙

🔧 Multiple Report Dispatch Resolution: Streamlining processes! Efforts are underway to resolve issues related to multiple report dispatches within the Mindhive platform, ensuring a smoother reporting experience. 🔧🔄

🎨 Payments & License System Design: Enhancing the user experience! Design work is in progress for the payments and license system, aiming for a sleek and intuitive interface. 🎨💳

🏢 Enterprise Access Enforcement (Part 2): Continuing security enhancements! Part 2 of the enterprise access enforcement initiative is underway to ensure robust access controls for enterprise users. 🏢🔒

🧠 AI Agent Information Update (Step 2): Advancing intelligence! Step 2 involves updating AI agent information, enhancing their capabilities and reliability within Mindhive. 🧠🔄

📧 Email Redesign & Refinement: Engaging communications! Redesign and refinement efforts are ongoing to improve user engagement and refine the email experience, particularly for new discussion invites. 📧🚀

Stay tuned for these improvements as we work to make Mindhive even better! 🌟🚀

8 December 2023

🎉 Mindhive Updates! Access Controls, UI Improvements, and System Enhancements! 🎉

🚀 What's New

🔒 Enterprise Access Enforcement (Part 1): Strengthening security measures! Part 1 focuses on implementing robust access controls for enterprise users, ensuring restricted access where needed within Mindhive. 🔒🏢

🌐 Mindhive Landing Page Update: A fresh look for Mindhive! We've revamped the landing page, offering users an improved and engaging introduction to the Mindhive platform. 🌐🚀

🏷️ Tagging Functionality Refinement: We're ironing out the quirks! Addressing some peculiarities observed during tagging to ensure a smoother and more intuitive experience. 🏷️🔍

📊 Automated Reports Trigger: Empowering automation! We've added triggers for automated report generation, facilitating timely and efficient access to crucial data and insights within Mindhive. 📊🔄

🗨️ Expanded Comments View: Convenience at your fingertips! All comments are now expanded by default, allowing for easier browsing and engagement within discussions. 🗨️🔄

🔍 Preview Link Result Caching: Enhancing performance! Preview link results are now cached, improving load times and providing quicker access to previews within Mindhive. 🔍🚀

🖼️ Profile Image Upload Fix: Smooth image uploads! We've addressed issues related to profile image uploads, ensuring a seamless experience for users updating their profile pictures. 🖼️✅

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Agent Personalities Update: A more personal touch! Agent personalities have been updated to adopt a first-person perspective, creating a more engaging and relatable interaction within Mindhive. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑🗣️

🔧 System Monitoring Remediation (AWS): Ensuring system stability! We've taken steps to address monitoring issues related to messaging queue message age, NoSQL database read and write capacities, guaranteeing a well-monitored and stable platform environment. 🔧🛠️

Stay tuned for further enhancements as we continue to elevate the Mindhive experience! 🌟🚀

27 October 2023

🎉 Mindhive Updates! Enhanced Security, Discussion Ownership, and Organization Screen! 🎉

🌐 New Features & Enhancements:

🔐 Security Enhancement (Vanta - AWS): Security remains a top priority! We've embarked on a series of security enhancements, including "High vulnerabilities identified in container packages are addressed (AWS)," "Intrusion detection system notifications configured (AWS)," "SQL database free storage space monitored (AWS)," "IMDSv1 is disabled on EC2 Instances," "Old infrastructure accounts disabled (AWS)," and "SSL configuration has no known issues." These measures ensure the utmost security for your Mindhive experience. 🔐🛡️

🔄 Discussion Ownership Fix: We've addressed an issue where switching discussion owners was not functioning correctly. Your ownership changes are now smooth and reliable, ensuring seamless collaboration within Mindhive. 🔄🔀

🟨 Highlighting Rethink: We're improving the way highlighting works within Mindhive. In this update, we're rethinking the highlighting trigger and process, enhancing the user experience and making it even easier to emphasize important content. 🟨📌

🚀 Organization Screen Launch (Step 3): Our journey toward launching the organization screen continues. Step 3 involves releasing the first version of the organization screen to production, providing an intuitive interface for managing your organizations. 🚀🏢

👥 Mindhive Facilitator Agent (Part 2): We're building upon the Mindhive Facilitator Agent. Part 2 of this development effort brings us closer to deploying this intelligent agent, which will streamline workflows and improve productivity within the platform. 👥🤖

🗃️ Backend Organization Logic Cleanup (Part 3): Our backend codebase continues to receive attention. Part 3 of the organization logic cleanup ensures that our code is optimized and performs seamlessly, providing a smooth user experience. 🗃️🧹

Stay tuned for more updates as we work to enhance your Mindhive experience! 🌟🚀

29 September 2023

🌟 Hello Mindhive Users!

🚀 We’re back with crucial security and infrastructure updates, ensuring Mindhive remains robust and compliant. Here’s what’s new:

🌐 New Features & Enhancements:

  1. 🔐 Vanta Remediations: We’ve been hard at work improving our security and compliance. Numerous applications and services have been reviewed and updated in line with Vanta recommendations.

    • Application changes reviewed for several Mindhive services.

    • Addressed RDS instance IP restrictions.

    • Restricted EC2 instance public ports for enhanced security.

    • Ensured point-in-time recovery on DynamoDB.

    • Resolved MFA issues on Bitbucket.

    • Enabled VPC Flow Logs for better network traffic visibility.

    • Addressed MFA on our infrastructure provider.

    • Ensured server logs are retained for 365 days.

    • Made sure our load balancers redirect HTTP to HTTPS for increased security.

  2. 🔍 Streamlined backend by removing unused tables: category amplify and Amplify datastore.

  3. 📸 Enhanced user experience by making the relevant images feature more accessible and adjusting the survey QR code presentation.

  4. 🗳️ Enhanced survey experience: Removed redundant parameters, refined the process of joining organisations via link/code, and ensured an easy-to-understand dashboard.

  5. 💡 Refined UI elements across the platform, addressing design and branding consistency for a seamless user experience.

  6. 📱 Updated mobile functionalities: introduced ‘Sign In with Apple’, improved logo placements for clarity, and enabled smoother navigation with optimised UI elements.

  7. 🛡️ Resolved a slew of bugs, from unexpected loading indicators to critical dashboard updating issues.

  8. 🔄 Enhanced system stability by addressing intermittent build failures and refining the editing experience for surveys.

  9. 🔄 Simplified the user management process, empowering users with more control over their accounts.

15 September 2023

🌟 Hello Mindhive Users!

🚀 Our newest sprint brings a blend of enhancements and critical fixes to elevate your Mindhive experience. Let’s delve into the details:

🌐 New Features & Enhancements:

  1. 📑 Vanta Document Uploads: We’ve expanded our security documentation to include an anti-malware solution and an employee termination security policy.

  2. 🔧 UI/UX Improvements: Updated the Member Role button functionality on the frontend and started conceptualising the design of V1.

  3. 🧠 Story Building: We’ve constructed the stories and are in the process of optimising their display for all users.

  4. 💻 Backend Upgrades: We’ve enhanced security by requiring authentication on several Mindhive endpoints.

  5. 🚀 Platform Launches: Excitingly, the first version of the organisation screen is now live in production!

  6. 🤖 AI Agent Upgrades: Revamped AI Agent information and made improvements to their responses.

🔧 Fixes and Adjustments:

  1. 🔔 Notification Tweaks: Addressed an issue where notifications persisted after a page refresh without any new events.

  2. 🐞 Bug Resolutions: Fixed multiple bugs, including repetitive agent responses, unwanted error messages when clicking the Mindhive logo, and tense discrepancies around date displays on discussion pages.

  3. 🛡️ Security Enhancements: Resolved a Vanta remediation concerning user account policies and fixed the visibility issue of public discussions.

  4. ✅ Voting Functionality: Identified and fixed an issue where voting wasn’t working as intended.

  5. 📊 Analytics Focus: Initiated the first step to source the right analytics data for better insights.

  6. 🌐 Organizational Improvements: Continued work on allowing users to create new organisations (Part 3) and started building the infrastructure for automation.

  7. 🚫 Resolved the Survey Launch Error, ensuring a smoother launch experience.

  8. 📊 Addressed an issue with Google Play’s target SDK to ensure seamless app updates.

  9. 🔄 Fixed the bug causing user data to reset post-login, ensuring data persistence.

  10. 📞 Addressed issues on mobile: Updated user profiles now reflect changes accurately and toast notifications now display correctly on iOS.

  11. 💻 On the web front, we’ve refined the survey creation process and ensured the swipe delete function for questions works flawlessly. Plus, there’s no more halting - YeahNah will always let you save your progress.

  12. 📸 Enhanced the image metadata handling with updates to our survey question API.

1 September 2023

🌟 Hello Mindhive Users!

🚀 Here’s the scoop on the latest features, enhancements, and fixes designed to enhance your Mindhive experience:

🌐 New Features & Enhancements:

  1. 🔐 Updated Password Request Email: Now, with signature Mindhive branding for a personalised touch.

  2. 📑 Vanta Document Uploads: Added functionality for session timeout and logging of externally facing system events.

  3. 🔔 Notification Enhancements: Improved notification link quality to meet industry standards and introduced advanced filtering for notifications.

  4. 🔄 Centralised Log-in Completed: You can now seamlessly switch between Mindhive and YeahNah with our finalised centralised login feature (21/08/23).

  5. 🤖 Agent Logic Enhancements: Improved logic for challenges post-data extraction and discussion highlighting automation.

  6. 🎨 Branding and UI Updates: Enhanced email verification pages and other UI elements with Mindhive branding. Also, optimised the discussion button’s visibility.

  7. 🔥 Integrated Firebase analytics to the YeahNah web platform, allowing us to understand and enhance your user journey.

  8. ⚙️ Rolled out advanced settings functions on YeahNah, giving you more control over your experience.

  9. ✍️ Updated the YeahNah Byline, refining the way we communicate our core essence.

  10. 📑 Perfected our testing documentation, ensuring YeahNah is ready for its public release.

  11. 🏆 Continued development of the achievements feature, with Part 2 now live on the web version of YeahNah.

  12. 🛍️ In the app store realm, we’ve honed our build version to align with the latest requirements.

🔧 Fixes and Adjustments:

  1. 🔍 AWS Adjustments: Resolved container vulnerabilities and conducted an investigation into high AWS costs.

  2. 📝 Text and Punctuation Fixes: Resolved text errors caused by punctuation and updated messaging on question starters.

  3. 💻 Backend Enhancements: Multiple backend improvements, including ensuring member roles, adding members, and agent authentication.

  4. 🛠️ Bug Resolutions: Addressed various bugs, including issues with scrolling on mobile, hidden input fields during profile edits, and link redirection.

  5. ⚙️ Smart Agent Updates: Finished Smart Agent profiles and made optimisations to model version parameters and agent prompts.

  6. 🌐 Discussion and Sign-Up Enhancements: Improved visibility of the discussion button and ensured sign-up is accessible on mobile and tablet views.

18 August 2023

🌟 Hello Mindhive Users!

🚀 We’re elated to share the latest enhancements and fixes that are now live:

🌐 New Features & Enhancements:

  1. 🔐 Centralised Log-in: Seamlessly transition between Mindhive and YeahNah with the centralized login feature (07/08/23).

  2. 🔄 Convert Functional Views: The backend views are now class-based, offering more robust functionality and maintainability.

  3. 📑 Vanta Document Uploads: We have integrated new ways to upload documents related to customer support and QA processes.

  4. 🛍️ Stripe Integration: License Data now integrates smoothly with Stripe for seamless payment and billing.

  5. 👥 New Organisations: Users can now create new organisations, allowing for more structured collaborations (Part 1).

  6. 🤖 Smart Agent Improvements: Agents can now extract data from human users, have become more talkative, and can also set up new private discussions.

  7. 🏆 Achievements Unlocked: We’ve developed the backend for our achievements feature in the web version of YeahNah. Documentation for the YN Achievements feature is now available.

  8. 📈 Profile Perfection: Implemented accurate statistics on user profiles to keep you informed about your YeahNah journey.

  9. 📱 Mobile Expansion: Exciting times ahead! We’ve rolled out YeahNah to mobile devices, expanding our reach and your accessibility.

  10. 📝 Survey Enhancements: Made pivotal updates to our survey model, ironing out the quirks. Improved the survey user interface and flow for a smoother experience.

  11. 🔍 Investigations & Fixes: Resolved the OpenAPI Endpoint issues. Rectified anomalies in questionsAnswered, surveysAnswered, questionsCreated, and surveysCreated. Perfected the log in flow and enhanced the survey joining process. For our tech-savvy users: We’ve tackled the Code Magic issue.

  12. 🎨 UI/UX Upgrades: Say hello to our revamped anonymous UI/UX on YeahNah, offering a more intuitive and enjoyable experience. 🔒 Security Updates: We’ve temporarily disabled some endpoint protections as we refine our security measures.

🔧 Fixes and Adjustments:

  1. 📝 Discussion Enhancements: Fixed overlapping words in discussions and made link-related fixes.

  2. 🌐 Weblinks in Comments: Resolved the issue where web links appeared in comments without deletion options.

  3. 🔔 Notification Text: Adjusted the notification text to maintain consistency.

  4. ⚙️ Django Updates: Enhanced event emissions from Django and performed significant infrastructural improvements.

  5. 🛠️ Infrastructure Issues: Addressed vital infrastructure concerns, ensuring stability.

  6. 🚫 Error Management: Made error messages more intuitive, fixed module-related bugs, and enhanced error displays.

  7. 💬 Discussion Updates: Improved the behavior for posting questions on both the frontend and backend.

  8. 🤖 Agent Logic: Introduced logic for agents to facilitate new discussions.

13 October 2023

🎉 Mindhive Updates! Bug Fixes, Security Enhancements, and Improved User Experience! 🎉

🌐 New Features & Enhancements:

  1. 🚀 Organization Screen Launch (Step 2): We're making significant progress in bringing the organization screen to production. Step 2 involves launching the first version of the organization screen, providing users with an intuitive interface to manage their organizations. 🚀🏢

  2. 👥 User-Created Organizations (Part 4): We're all about flexibility! Part 4 of our effort allows users to create new organizations, enhancing collaboration and customization options within Mindhive. 👥🏢

  3. 🗃️ Backend Organization Logic Cleanup (Part 2): We continue to optimize our backend codebase. In this update, we've performed Part 2 of the organization logic cleanup, ensuring that our code is efficient and performs seamlessly. 🗃️🧹

  4. 💳 Stripe Pricing Table Update: We've updated the Stripe pricing table, providing you with a clear and transparent view of our pricing structure. It's now easier than ever to choose the plan that suits your needs. 💳📈

  5. 🏗️ Infrastructure Build Automation: We're streamlining our infrastructure. In this update, we've automated the CDK (Cloud Development Kit) build container build process, ensuring efficiency and consistency in our infrastructure management. 🏗️🤖

  6. 🔐 More Security Enhancements (Vanta - AWS): Our commitment to security is unwavering. We've remediated several security issues, including "Offboarding completed for ex-employees within SLA," "Load balancers redirect HTTP to HTTPS (AWS)," "Server logs retained for 365 days (AWS)," and "SQL database CPU monitored," guaranteeing a safe and reliable platform. 🔐🚀

  7. 💌 Sendgrid Email Reduction: We've reduced the number of Sendgrid emails to streamline your inbox and ensure that you receive only the most essential communications. 💌📤

  8. 📈 Analytics Data Enhancement: We're on a quest for better insights! In this update, we've continued our work to find the right analytics data, helping us make informed decisions and provide you with a more tailored experience. 📈📊

  9. 🔄 Data Migration Script Creation: We're ensuring data consistency across platforms. We've created scripts to pull data from the database to Auth0 when it doesn't exist, making sure your data is up-to-date and accessible. 🔄🗃️

  10. 🧍 Visit Profile Button: Enhancing user interactions, we've implemented a "Visit Profile" button, allowing you to easily navigate to user profiles, fostering connections and collaboration. 🧍🔍

🔧 Fixes and Adjustments:

  1. 🤖 AI Agent Commenting Bug Fix: In this update, we've delved into investigating and resolving AI agent commenting issues in Mindhive, ensuring smooth and accurate interactions with AI-powered agents. This is part 1 of our ongoing effort to enhance this functionality. 🤖

  2. 💻URL Encoding Bug Fix: Your user experience is important to us. We've addressed a bug to ensure that URLs are correctly encoded, making navigation and interaction smoother for all users. 💻

  3. 🔐 Security Enhancements (AWS & IAM): Our security efforts are ongoing! We're remediating various issues, including "Up to date IAM keys" for codemagic.io and more, ensuring robust security practices. 🔐🚀

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance your Mindhive experience! 🌟🚀

11 November 2023

🎉 Mindhive Task Updates! Enhancements in Pathways, Agent Reasoning, and Organizational Awareness! 🎉

🌐 New Features & Enhancements:

🔑 Credential Rotation Spike (Bitbucket Pipelines): We're working on ensuring the highest security standards. In this spike, marked as Part 1, we're exploring the best methods for rotating credentials within Bitbucket Pipelines, aiming to maintain the utmost security for our system. 🔑🔄

🧠 Agent Multistep Reasoning: Our AI agents are getting smarter! Part 1 of this task involves getting our agents to perform multistep reasoning, enhancing their problem-solving capabilities and making them even more effective for you. 🧠🤖

🚀 Dev Pathway Creation: We're paving the way for developers! This involves the creation of a development pathway, streamlining the process and providing developers with a clear and efficient path for their work. 🚀👨‍💻

🧭 AI Pathway Review: Ensuring our AI is on the right track! This involves reviewing the pathways within the AI, ensuring they align with our goals and provide the best outcomes. 🧭🔍

👥 Organization Awareness: We want our users to understand their organizational context. This focuses on making users aware that they are operating within an organization, improving clarity and understanding within Mindhive. 👥🏢

🔒 Organizational Data Segregation: Enhancing data organization and security! This involves the segregation of organizational data, ensuring it's structured and secured appropriately within the Mindhive platform. 🔒🗄️

🧪 Organization User Testing: We're committed to ensuring a user-friendly experience. This involves user testing specific to the organization features, ensuring that user interactions are intuitive and efficient within this context. 🧪👩‍💻

Stay tuned for further updates as we continue to refine and improve your Mindhive experience! 🌟🚀

25 November 2023

🎉 Mindhive API and Functionality Updates! Enhanced User Profiles, Agent Reasoning, and More! 🎉

🚀 What's New

🔄 User Profile API Enhancement: We're optimizing the user experience! The user-profile-detail API has been updated to fetch organization information directly from Auth0, providing accurate and up-to-date organizational details for users within Mindhive. 🔄👤🏢

🧠 Agent Multistep Reasoning (Part 2): Our AI agents are evolving! Part 2 of this task involves further development to enhance the multistep reasoning capabilities of our agents, making them even more adept at complex problem-solving. 🧠🚀

🔑 Credential Rotation Spike (Bitbucket Pipelines - Part 2): Security remains paramount. In this continuation of the spike, we're determining the best practices for rotating credentials within Bitbucket Pipelines, ensuring the highest level of security for our system. 🔑🔄

💳 New Payment Provider Research: We're on the brink of an upgrade! The research phase for selecting a new payment provider is now finalized, setting the stage for a smoother and more efficient payment process within Mindhive. 💳🛠️

🔄 Automated Scheduled Downtime: We're enhancing our backend infrastructure! The scheduling of downtime for the staging/dev Amazon Aurora DB cluster is now automated, ensuring optimal performance and minimizing disruptions during maintenance. 🔄🔧

🧪 AI Agent Commenting Resolution (Part 2): We're committed to perfection! Part 2 of resolving AI agent commenting issues involves further investigation and implementation to ensure seamless and accurate interactions with AI-powered agents within Mindhive. 🧪🤖

🔐 Logout Page Redirect Update: We're refining user interactions! The logout page redirect has been updated to guide users back to the Mindhive discussion page, providing a more intuitive and cohesive user experience. 🔐🔄

👥 Invite to Organization Feature: We're expanding collaboration options! This feature allows the invitation of new members to organizations even if they don't have accounts and without existing organization memberships, making onboarding smoother and more inclusive. 👥💌

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance and refine Mindhive functionalities! 🌟🚀

21 July 2023

🎉 Huzzah! Mindhive Pty Ltd brings you an exciting update with new features and bug fixes! 🎉

🚀 What’s New

📋 Question Copy-Paste Logic: Tired of manual entry? We’ve got you covered! Now you can create questions by simply copying and pasting text. Say goodbye to repetitive typing and hello to quicker survey creation. ✨📋

🔗 Custom Join URLs: Personalize your YeahNah surveys with custom join URLs! 🌐➡️ Create unique links that reflect your brand and make survey participation a seamless experience for your participants.

✍️ Consistent Spelling: Attention to detail matters! We’ve ensured consistent British/Australian spelling in ChatGPT/LLM responses. Say goodbye to spelling inconsistencies and enjoy a professional and polished experience. 🇬🇧🇦🇺✍️

📏 ChatGPT Question Expander: No more scrolling through lengthy questions! The ChatGPT question expander has made its way to the web version. Expand and view the full content of questions with ease. 📏🔍

📊 Amplitude Monitoring: We value your user experience! With Amplitude monitoring, we gain valuable insights into user interactions, allowing us to continuously improve the Mindhive platform based on real data. 📊👥

📚 User Guide Pop-up: Need assistance? Our new User Guide Pop-up has got you covered! Access helpful information and guidance right within the Mindhive platform, providing you with the support you need, when you need it. 📚💡

📥 Import Questions Enhancements: We’ve made importing questions even better! With backend and frontend improvements, you can seamlessly import questions into your surveys, making survey creation a breeze. 📥🔄

📷 File Size Cap: To optimize performance and storage, we’ve introduced a file size limit for uploaded photos in the web version. Enjoy a smoother user experience while managing your files efficiently. 📷📏

👥 Manage Organizations UI: Organize with ease! Our new Manage Organizations UI simplifies organization management within the Mindhive platform, providing a streamlined and efficient experience. 👥🔄

📊 YeahNah Survey UI Enhancements: The YeahNah Survey UI has received a makeover! Enjoy improved user interfaces for YeahNah surveys, enhancing the overall survey experience for both creators and participants. 📊✨

🔍 ChatGPT Question Expander: Expand your survey possibilities! Now you can experience the ChatGPT question expander in the web version. Say goodbye to truncated questions and dive into comprehensive insights. 📏➡️

🔐 Enhanced Authentication: Safeguard your data with the improved Authentication API + UI Integration. We take your security seriously, ensuring a seamless login experience. 🔒✨

🌐 Universal Login Update: Seamlessly return to Universal Login with the URL update [ND] [ESP] (Frontend). Experience an integrated and user-friendly login process. 🌐🔄

🔄 YeahNah API Updates: Keep your surveys updated and relevant with YeahNah API Updates that enhance the survey experience. 📊🔄

💼 Org Creation on the Web: Easily create organizations on the web (Backend & Frontend). Unlock new possibilities with a streamlined organization creation process. 💼🌐

🏢 Secure Endpoints: Ensuring top-notch security with Secure Endpoints (Part 2) that protect sensitive information. Your data is in safe hands. 🔒🏢

🔑 URL for Universal Login (Backend Work): Simplify access with URL updates that lead to Universal Login (Backend Work) (Part 2). Enhance user convenience. 🔑🌐

📱 QR Code Screen: Introducing QR code sharing/scanning (Part 2)! Share surveys effortlessly and gather responses with ease. 📱📈

🎨 UI & Functionalities: A fresh look and enhanced functionalities with the Create page UI & functionalities. Enjoy a smoother and more enjoyable user experience. 🎨⭐️

🌐 Backfilling Data: We’ve got your data covered with YeahNah API Updates - backfill data. Stay organized and informed. 📊🌐

🐞 Bug Fixes

🚀 Invite Speed Boost: We’ve waved goodbye to the slowpoke days of yore! 🌊 Inviting multiple users to a discussion in quick succession used to cause site slowdowns. Not anymore! We’ve polished that up so you can get everyone on board faster than ever before. 🚀👩👩👧👦

🔧 Resolved Multiple Objects Error: We’ve tracked down and squashed a pesky bug that caused errors when working with multiple objects. Say goodbye to the frustration of encountering this issue and enjoy a smoother user experience. 🔧✨

🔧 QR Image Link Bug: No more broken links! We’ve addressed the QR image embedded link bug, ensuring a seamless user experience. 🔧🔗

💡 User Survey Table Image Fix: Surveys made perfect! The User survey table image field issue has been resolved, making surveys visually appealing. 💡📷

💼 Edit Survey Feature: Customize with ease! Now you can implement the Edit Survey feature, enabling you to tailor surveys to perfection. 💼✏️

🧠 AI Survey Generator - Frontend: Let AI do the work! Introducing the AI Survey Generator - Frontend, a powerful tool to create smart and data-driven surveys. 🧠

📊 We’re committed to delivering a seamless and bug-free experience, and these fixes bring us one step closer to that goal. Enjoy a more efficient and enjoyable time on Mindhive with these bug fixes! 🐞🛠️ Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance Mindhive and provide you with the best experience possible! ⭐️ #Mindhive #ReleaseNotes #Updates #BugFixes #UserExperience

23 June 2023

🎉 Mindhive Updates! Improved Organization Management, Smart Agents, and Migration! 🎉

🚀 What's New

🔐 Addressing Expiring Error: Security is our priority. We've addressed the expiring error in this update, ensuring the integrity of user sessions and maintaining a secure environment within Mindhive. 🔐🚀

💡 Smart Agent Logic: We've developed the logic necessary to power smart agents, enhancing collaboration and streamlining workflows within the platform. Get ready for a more intelligent and efficient experience! 💡🤖

📋 Question Copy-Paste Logic: Tired of manual entry? We've got you covered! Now you can create questions by simply copying and pasting text. Say goodbye to repetitive typing and hello to quicker YeahNah survey creation. ✨📋

📏 ChatGPT Question Expander: No more scrolling through lengthy questions! The ChatGPT question expander has made its way to the web version. Expand and view the full content of questions with ease. 📏🔍

📊 Amplitude Monitoring: We value your user experience! With Amplitude monitoring, we gain valuable insights into user interactions, allowing us to continuously improve the Mindhive platform based on real data. 📊👥

📥 Import Questions Enhancements: We've made importing questions even better! With backend and frontend improvements, you can seamlessly import questions into your surveys, making survey creation a breeze. 📥🔄

📷 File Size Cap: To optimize performance and storage, we've introduced a file size limit for uploaded photos in the web version. Enjoy a smoother user experience while managing your files efficiently. 📷📏

👥 Manage Organizations UI: Organize with ease! Our new Manage Organizations UI simplifies organization management within the Mindhive platform, will provide a streamlined and efficient experience. 👥🔄

📊 YeahNah Survey UI Enhancements: The YeahNah Survey UI has received a makeover! Enjoy improved user interfaces for YeahNah surveys, enhancing the overall survey experience for both creators and participants. 📊✨

🐛 Bug Fixes

🚀 Invite Speed Boost: As we scale, we've waved goodbye to the slowpoke days of yore! 🌊 Inviting multiple users to a discussion in quick succession used to cause site slowdowns. Not anymore! We've polished that up so you can get everyone on board faster than ever before. 🚀👩‍👩‍👧‍👦

🔧 Resolved Multiple Objects Error: We've tracked down and squashed a pesky bug that caused errors when working with multiple objects. Say goodbye to the frustration of encountering this issue and enjoy a smoother user experience. 🔧✨

9 June 2023

🎉 Mindhive Updates! Vision, Roadmaps, and Improved Integration! 🎉

🚀 Upcoming Features

🧠 Research Assistant In Development: We're excited to introduce the Research Assistant feature to Mindhive! In a future update, the Research Assistant AI will enhance your research capabilities within the platform. 🧠🔍

🚀 What's New

🔍 Auth0 Data Modifications: As part of our ongoing development efforts, we have conducted thorough investigations and made necessary modifications to the Auth0 data and rules. This ensures a seamless integration and improved functionality for system administrators. Enjoy a more streamlined experience with enhanced Auth0 integration. 🔒🔧

🔒 Security Finalization: Your security is our top priority! We've taken the lead on finalizing our security measures to ensure the utmost protection for your data and privacy. Rest assured that we're continuously working behind the scenes to keep your information safe and secure. 🔒🔐

💡 Medium-Term Vision for Mindhive: With the fast-shifting AI opportunities for collective intelligence, we have crafted a bold and ambitious medium-term vision for Mindhive! Our team has carefully considered the future direction of our platform to bring you innovative features and an exceptional user experience. Get ready to embark on this exciting journey with us! ✨🌟

We're thrilled to bring you these updates and enhancements as we continue to evolve Mindhive. Your feedback and support drive our progress, and we can't wait for you to experience these new features firsthand! Enjoy the journey ahead! 🌟🚀

26 May 2023

🎉 Mindhive Updates! Improved Authentication, Redirection, and Integration! 🎉

🚀 What's New

🔄 Redirection Setting Update: We understand the importance of seamless navigation. That's why we've flipped the organization and AI redirection setting, ensuring that users are directed to the appropriate destinations effortlessly. 🔄🔀

🌐 Squarespace Site Duplication: To enhance our online presence, we've duplicated the Squarespace site and linked it to the .ai domain. Now you can explore Mindhive's offerings on our updated and unified platform. 🌐🔁

🗑️ Django Sentry Cleanup: We're committed to maintaining a clean and efficient codebase. In this update, we've conducted a thorough cleanup of Django Sentry, optimizing performance and ensuring a smooth user experience. 🗑️🔧

🏢 Organization Creation Integration: We're building upon our previous update and introducing part two of the organization creation screen. This update focuses on seamlessly integrating the organization creation process, making it intuitive and efficient for users. 🏢🔁

12 May 2023

🎉 Mindhive Updates! Enhanced Subscription Management and Improved Workflow! 🎉

🚀 What's New

📝 Slack Enterprise Sign-up Flow: We're excited to provide the Slack enterprise sign-up flow to the team board, making it easier for your organization to onboard and collaborate seamlessly. 📝👥

🌐 Domain Transition: We're transitioning away from the old Mindhive.org domain to the new Mindhive.ai domain, aligning our online presence with our evolving brand and platform. Stay tuned for further details! 🌐🔄

📧 Email Tagging: We've made improvements to ensure that emails are properly tagged, allowing for better organization, tracking, and management of communication within Mindhive. 📧🔖

🔧 Bug Fixes

🖌️ Fixed Highlighting Issue: Previously, there was an issue with highlighting in Mindhive. We've resolved this problem, allowing you to effectively highlight and emphasize important content. 🖌️✅

🖌️ Comment Reply Highlighting: In part two of the frontend update, we've introduced the ability to highlight comment replies, making it easier to identify and track discussions within Mindhive. 🖌️🗨️

28 April 2023

🎉 Mindhive Updates! Improved License Management and Admin Controls! 🎉

🚀 What's New

💳 License System: In part one of our license system update, we've improved license management for Mindhive. You'll now have better control over your organization's licenses, making it easier to manage and stay up-to-date. 🚀💳

🧩 Challenge Organization: We've made it easier than ever to keep your organization's information up-to-date! Now, organization information will pull through from the admin user to the challenge, making it easier to manage. 🧩👥

14 April 2023

🎉 Mindhive Updates! Improved Functionality and Enhanced Performance! 🎉

🚀 What's New

🔍 Ideation Card Filtering by Topic: It's now easier than ever to find ideation cards based on topic, thanks to our new filtering system.

📊 Remove Sector Demographics from Magic Link by Default: In line with our commitment to user privacy, we've removed sector demographics from the Magic Link by default. Users can still opt-in to share this information if they wish.

🐛 Bug Fixes

We've resolved various bugs in this release to enhance the user experience.

31 March 2023

🎉 Mindhive Updates! Simplified Url Redirection and Improved Performance! 🎉

🚀 What's New

🔗 Simplified Url Redirection: We've made it easier than ever to access the content you need! With our new and improved Url redirection, you'll be redirected to the correct page without any hassle. 🚀🔗

🐌 Improved Invitation Speed: Inviting multiple users to Mindhive can now be done without any slowdowns! We've investigated and resolved the cause of slow downs, making it faster and more efficient to get everyone on board. 🚀👥

🛠️ Issue Removal and Site Speed: We're committed to continually improving the performance of Mindhive. We've removed more issues and improved site speed even further in this update. 🛠️🐌

📣 Sengrid Notifications: In part two of our efforts to reactivate the full scope of Sengrid Notifications. You'll now receive additional notifications from Mindhive through Sengrid. 📣

🐛 Bug Fixes

👋 Welcome Back!: Returning users were previously blocked by the "Curious about" section pop-up. Not anymore! This issue has been resolved, and we're excited to welcome you back to Mindhive. 👋

📬 Notification Duplication: We identified and resolved dashboard notification duplication in this update, making it easier to stay on top of important updates. 📬

🐛 Sentry Issue Resolution: We take your security seriously! In this update, we've identified and resolved Sentry issues to ensure your data is always safe and secure. 🔒🐛

17 March 2023

🎉 Huzzah! New features and fixes coming your way in the latest update! 🎉

🚀 What's New

🃏 Ideation Card Merging: Ever feel like your ideas are all over the place? Worry not! Discussion admins can now merge the content of multiple ideation cards into one beautiful, unified card. Combining forces has never been this easy! 💡🃏

🐛 Bug Fixes

🐌 Invite Speed Boost: We've waved goodbye to the slowpoke days of yore! 🌊 Inviting multiple users to a discussion in quick succession used to cause site slowdowns. Not anymore! We've polished that up so you can get everyone on board faster than ever before. 🚀👩‍👩‍👧‍👦

We hope these updates make your experience smoother and more enjoyable. As always, we're eager to hear your feedback! Keep it coming! 💌

03 March 2023

🌟 Ta-da! A fresh batch of updates and bug fixes are here to make your Mindhive experience even better! 🌟

🚀 What's New

🏷️ User Tagging: Want to make sure someone knows you're talking to them? You can now directly tag fellow Mindhive users in a discussion! Just use the '@' symbol followed by their username to give them a shout-out in your comment. Now, no one will miss your important points. 📣👥

🐛 Bug Fixes

📜 New Topic Generator: Fixed a pesky bug that kept new topics from appearing at the bottom of a discussion. Your ideas can now flow seamlessly into the conversation! 🎉

📌 Pinned Topics That Stick: We've squashed a bug that caused pinned topics to lose their grip at the top of a discussion. Now, they'll stay put exactly where you want them! 📍

🔗 Magic Link Access: New users, rejoice! We've fixed a bug that prevented some users from accessing the comment section of discussions through a magic link. Get ready to join the conversation without a hitch! ✨💬

We hope you love these improvements as much as we do. As always, your feedback fuels our progress! Keep it coming! 💌

17 February 2023

🎊 Surprise! We've got a fresh update packed with new features and bug fixes to enhance your experience! 🎊

🚀 What's New

🌟 Highlight Upvoting: Give your stamp of approval to the best bits of wisdom! Users can now like highlighted text from discussion admins. Show some love for those insightful snippets with just a click. 💖🔖

🐛 Bug Fixes

🔒 Topic Reordering Lockdown: We've zapped a bug that allowed non-admins to reorder discussion topics. The power of organization is now back where it belongs: with the admins! 🛡️

We hope these updates make your Mindhive adventures even better. Don't forget, we're always here for your feedback – it's the magic ingredient that helps us improve! 💌

03 February 2023

🎉 Hooray! We're rolling out a fresh Mindhive Pty Ltd update packed with new features and fixes to elevate your discussions! 🎉

🚀 What's New

📹 Video Uploading: Lights, camera, action! Discussion admins can now upload videos from their personal devices to the resources section of their discussions. Get ready to educate, inspire, and spark amazing conversations. And guess what? There's more to come in future updates! 🎥💡

📆 Discussion Launch Date Display: Never miss a beat! Discussions scheduled for launch will now display their starting date on the relevant discussion page. Mark your calendars and join the conversation! 🗓️💬

💾 Discussion Content Download: Want a keepsake of your brilliant discussions? Users can now download a personal copy of their discussion, including all topics, comments, and replies. Stay tuned for future updates on this feature! 🗂️🌐

🐛 Bug Fixes

🚫 Video Upload Unblock: We've squashed a bug that prevented some users from uploading videos to their discussions. Now, everyone can share their visual resources without a hitch! 🎞️🔧

We hope you enjoy these enhancements to your Mindhive experience. As always, your feedback is our rocket fuel, so keep it coming! 💌

20 January 2023

🎊 Get ready for a fantastic Mindhive Pty Ltd update, packed with new features and bug fixes to take your discussions to the next level! 🎊

🚀 What's New

🔀 Manual Topic Reordering: Discussion admins, take control! You can now drag and drop discussion topics to arrange them in any order that tickles your fancy. Make your discussions flow like a well-crafted story! 📚🖱️

🐛 Bug Fixes

🔧 Sentiment Analysis Fix: We've resolved a bug where the sentiment analysis scoring process failed to read data from the database after security enhancements. Now, nothing stands in the way of understanding the mood of your discussions! 📊🛡️

We hope you enjoy these improvements to your Mindhive experience. Keep the feedback coming – it's the secret sauce that helps us keep getting better! 💌

23 December 2022

🎉 Buckle up! We've got a fresh Mindhive Pty Ltd update coming your way, featuring new features and bug fixes to enhance your experience! 🎉

🚀 What's New

🧠 Updates to Mindhive Profiles: We're taking user profiles to the next level! To power up our upcoming Wildcard algorithm and other smart tech, new users will be prompted to fill out the "What I am curious about" section of their profile before diving into the main Mindhive site. Returning users, you're encouraged (but not required) to join the fun and share your curiosity too! 🕵️‍♀️💡

🐛 Bug Fixes

🍪 Cookie Pop-up Tamed: We've cut back on the excessive frequency of our cookie usage reminder for recurring Mindhive users. Rest assured, new users will still receive the message. Now you can enjoy Mindhive with fewer interruptions! 📉🔔

We hope these updates make your Mindhive experience even more delightful. Keep the feedback coming – it's the fuel that powers our improvement engine! 💌

9 December 2022

🎊 Woo-hoo! A new Mindhive Pty Ltd update is here, featuring a fresh feature and bug fixes to make your experience even better! 🎊

🚀 What's New

🔝 Header Update: Navigating Mindhive just got easier! The header of the Mindhive website will now remain in view on your browser even when you're scrolling down. Stay connected to all the essentials, no matter where you are on the page! 🖥️📌

🐛 Bug Fixes

🔧 Sentiment Analysis Optimized: We've fixed a bug where sentiment analysis would pull excessive amounts of unneeded data. Now, it's lean, mean, and focused on the insights that matter! 🎯💼

We hope these improvements make your Mindhive journey even more enjoyable. Don't forget – your feedback is the wind beneath our wings, so keep it coming! 💌

25 November 2022

🎉 Get excited! A brand new Mindhive Pty Ltd update is here, bringing you fresh features and bug fixes for an even better experience! 🎉

🚀 What's New

📊 Sentiment Analysis Update: We're leveling up! Sentiment analysis is now being applied to all new Mindhive discussion topics and comments. In a future update, users will be able to see the total sentiment across a discussion in their end-of-discussion automatic report. Get ready for a deeper understanding of your conversations! 💡🔍

🐛 Bug Fixes

🛠️ Comment Button Fix: We've squashed a bug where the button to post a comment would vanish for some users. Now everyone can share their thoughts without a hitch! 💬🔧

🏷️ Tag Cleanup: We've removed faulty tags in the Mindhive discussion creation process, including redundant and misspelled ones. It's time for a tidier, more organized tag experience! 🧹✨

We hope you enjoy these updates to your Mindhive experience. As always, your feedback is the spark that ignites our improvement flame – keep it coming! 💌

11 November 2022

🚀 What's New

🔗 Magic Link Sign-in Automation: Say hello to a smoother sign-in process! Users signing in to Mindhive through a magic link will now have their details automatically re-entered into the Auth0 sign-in module, allowing for easier and more seamless access to relevant discussions. 🧙‍♂️🎟️

🐛 Bug Fixes

🚫 Magic Link Error Fix: We've fixed a bug where magic link users would encounter an error screen before being redirected to their discussion. Now, you can dive straight into the conversation! 🏊‍♂️🔄

🏷️ Tag Cleanup Part 2: We've continued our tag cleanup, removing more faulty tags in the Mindhive discussion creation process, including redundant and misspelled ones. Say hello to a neater, more organized tag world! 🌐🧼

📚 Text Overlap Solution: We've squashed a bug where text would overlap with other pieces of text inside lengthy comments or topics. Now, your discussions can be as long and complex as you like – without the visual chaos! 📖🔧

We hope you enjoy these improvements to your Mindhive experience. Keep the feedback coming – it's the fuel that drives us forward! 💌

28 October 2022

🎊 Get ready for a fabulous Mindhive Pty Ltd update, featuring exciting news and bug fixes to enhance your experience! 🎊

🚀 What's New

🔬 New Public Release of Mindhive R&D Updates: We're excited to share our latest R&D progress with you! Head over to the Mindhive website to check out our newest updates and findings on ongoing research projects. Stay informed and inspired! 🧪📈

🐛 Bug Fixes

🔑 Password Update Fix: We've fixed a bug where some users couldn't access their accounts due to being unable to update an expired password. Now everyone can securely access Mindhive without a hitch! 🛠️🔓

📧 Email Notification Overload: We've resolved a bug where some users received a massive influx of Mindhive email notifications without warning. Rest assured, your inbox can now breathe easy! 📬🌬️

We hope you enjoy these improvements to your Mindhive experience. Your feedback is our guiding light, so keep it coming! 💌

14 October 2022

🎉 Get ready for a spectacular Mindhive Pty Ltd update, featuring enhancements and bug fixes to make your experience even better! 🎉

🚀 What's New

🌐 Improved Website and Data Monitoring: We've upped our game by adding and upgrading our website monitoring services and procedures. Enjoy greater stability and faster responses to potential technical faults as you navigate the Mindhive platform. ⚡🛡️

🐛 Bug Fixes

🔐 Auth0 User Authentication Fix: We've squashed a bug where some users experienced difficulty signing in due to a false positive in our Auth0 user authentication service. Now, you can securely access Mindhive without a hiccup! 🛠️🔓

🧹 Defunct User Account Cleanup: We've removed multiple defunct user accounts to improve website performance and reduce clutter in community search results. It's time for a cleaner, faster Mindhive experience! 🌬️💻

We hope these updates enhance your Mindhive journey. Keep the feedback coming – it's the fuel that powers our improvement engine! 💌

30 September 2022

🎊 Hold onto your hats! A brand new Mindhive Pty Ltd update is here, featuring exciting enhancements and bug fixes to improve your experience! 🎊

🚀 What's New

🗂️ Comment Reply Ordering and Collapsible Lists: We've made it easier to navigate comment replies! They now follow similar rules as topic comments, allowing users to expand or collapse the full list of comments for a more streamlined experience. 💬📑

🐛 Bug Fixes

🔗 Discussion Invite Link Fix: We've fixed a bug where discussion invites shared through social media platforms would produce broken links. Now, you can share discussions with confidence and grow your community effortlessly! 🌐🚀

We hope you enjoy these updates to your Mindhive experience. As always, your feedback is our driving force, so keep it coming! 💌

16 September 2022

🎉 Time to celebrate! We're rolling out a fantastic Mindhive Pty Ltd update, featuring new features and bug fixes to enhance your discussions! 🎉

🚀 What's New

💬 Comment Reply Feature: Engage in deeper conversations! Users can now directly reply to comments under a topic using the reply feature. This allows for more direct engagement with fellow discussion participants and facilitates in-depth discussions of particular insights. 🗨️🔍

🐛 Bug Fixes

📱 Mobile Highlight Fix: We've fixed a bug where highlighted text would disappear when accessing the Mindhive website from a mobile device. Now, you can enjoy seamless highlighting, no matter the platform! 🌈🛠️

🃏 Ideation Category Fix: We've resolved a bug where some ideation categories couldn't be selected when attempting to make an ideation card out of highlighted text. Now, you can create ideation cards with ease! 🎴🔧

📚 Text Overlap Solution: We've squashed a bug where text would overlap with other pieces of text inside lengthy comments or topics. Now, your discussions can be as long and complex as you like – without the visual chaos! 📖🔧

We hope you enjoy these improvements to your Mindhive experience. Keep the feedback coming – it's the fuel that drives us forward! 💌

02 September 2022

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

New and exciting things are happening at Mindhive! Here's what you can look forward to in this update:

✨ What’s new

🔔 New Dashboard Notifications: Keep up to date with the latest updates on events like followed users earning awards, becoming premium members, and more, with our new dashboard notifications.

📣 Community Manager Announcements: Stay informed about recent discussions and Mindhive developments with special community announcements sent directly to your dashboard by our community manager.

🐞 Bug fixes

🔍 Fixed a bug where highlighted text would disappear from view while highlighted.

🗑️ Removed the automatically generated 'uncategorised' ideation card from discussions.

🔄 Fixed a bug where user profile pictures would sometimes appear upside-down.

Enjoy the improvements, and as always, happy collaborating! 🚀

19 August 2022

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

We're back with some fresh updates to make your Mindhive experience even better! Here's what we've been working on:

✨ What’s new

🗑️ Notification Deletion Update: Notifications related to a specific comment or discussion will now be deleted from a user's dashboard if the original discussion or comment is also deleted.

🎨 UI Update: Discussions that have closed no longer display a message indicating the discussion has "0 days left to go."

🐞 Bug fixes

🔧 Fixed a bug where the Mindhive highlighting feature would interfere with the ability to tag other users.

⚠️ Issued a temporary fix to prevent users from being falsely flagged by our automated text profanity filter.

We hope you enjoy these updates! As always, happy collaborating! 🚀

5 August 2022

What’s new

  • Improved Notifications: Additional notifications have been integrated into the Mindhive dashboard to provide more personalized experiences and updates for Mindhive users.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where some users would have their account details duplicated into a hidden second account.

    Back to top

22 July 2022

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

We're here with more exciting improvements to make your Mindhive experience even better! Check out what's new:

✨ What’s new

🔔 Improved Notifications: Additional notifications have been integrated into the Mindhive dashboard to provide more personalized experiences and updates for Mindhive users.

🐞 Bug fixes

🔧 Fixed a bug where some users would have their account details duplicated into a hidden second account.

We're always working hard to make Mindhive better for you! Enjoy the updates, and happy collaborating! 🚀

8 July 2022

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

We're back with more improvements to enhance your Mindhive experience! Check out what's new:

✨ What’s new

🔔 Improved Notifications: Additional notifications have been integrated across both users' dashboards and emails to provide more personalized experiences and updates for Mindhive users.

🔎 Discussion Navigation Quality of Life Improvements: Users can now scroll through the full list of discussion participants without the need for a scroll wheel (useful for laptop users).

🧹 Defunct User Cleanup: Disused and spam accounts have been removed from the Mindhive website, allowing users to better find active users when searching.

🐞 Bug fixes

🚀 General improvements to site speed and optimization.

We're constantly working to make Mindhive the best it can be! Enjoy the updates, and happy collaborating! 🎉

24 June 2022

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

We've got more updates to improve your Mindhive experience! Here's what's new:

✨ What’s new

🔔 Improved Notification Variety: Additional notifications have been integrated across both users' dashboards and emails to provide more personalized experiences and updates for Mindhive users.

🪄 Magic Link Quality of Life Improvements: Users accessing discussions through a magic link are given the opportunity to confirm their decision to continue with the discussion or return to their previous page.

📊 Improved Dashboard Notification Personalization: More personalized notifications have been implemented to better inform Mindhive users when relevant site activity has occurred and allow them to join in directly from their profile dashboard.

🐞 Bug fixes

🔒 Highlighting Disabled for Closed Discussions: Users are no longer presented with the option to highlight once a discussion is closed.

🛠️ General bug fixes and optimizations to improve website stability and error tracking.

We're committed to making your Mindhive experience even better! Enjoy the updates, and happy collaborating! 🎉

10 June 2022

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

We're back with more exciting updates to enhance your Mindhive experience! Check out what's new:

✨ What’s new

🔗 Comment Hyperlink Images: When users post Web URL’s and other hyperlinks in their comments, the comment will produce an appropriate image to capture the attention of fellow Discussion contributors and admins.

📌 Dashboard Notifications Quality of Life: When notified of a comment in a relevant discussion, users will be taken directly to that specific comment on the discussion page when clicking the dashboard notification.

🚀 Wildcard Algorithm Version 0.1: The 1st big step forward in the Mindhive Wildcard Algorithm has arrived. It will see further improvements over time, so stay tuned!

🐞 Bug fixes

Error Box Fix: Fixed an error where users would be confronted with an error box containing “!!!” when filling out the details of their discussion.

🔓 Sign-up Issue Resolved: Fixed an issue preventing sign-up for some users.

We're always working to make Mindhive even better for you. Enjoy the updates, and happy collaborating! 🎉

27 May 2022

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

We've got some fresh updates to make your Mindhive experience even better! Check out what's new below:

✨ What’s new

📝 Comment Character Limit Increased: The total number of characters users can include in their comments has been increased to 1500.

🔔 Improved Notifications: Users will now receive updates on when new ideation cards are made in discussions they are a part of.

🚀 Continued Development of the Wildcard Algorithm: Work on the newest iteration of the Wildcard Algorithm is progressing smoothly, with new data inputs having been implemented into our latest developer's version.

🐞 Bug fixes

🔗 Magic Link Improvement: Users who are already logged into Mindhive when clicking on a magic link will now be taken directly to the linked discussion rather than being taken back to their dashboard.

📧 Email Distribution Fix: Fixed an issue where certain emails would not be properly distributed at the end of a discussion.

We're committed to making Mindhive the best platform for collaboration and ideation. Enjoy the updates, and happy collaborating! 🎉

13 May 2022

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

We're back with more exciting updates to enhance your Mindhive experience! Check out the new features and bug fixes we've rolled out:

✨ What’s new

🚧 Under Maintenance Page: We have developed a new maintenance page for users while Mindhive is hard at work with major updates.

🗳️ Ideation votes display: The total number of votes an ideation card receives will now be displayed on the card without users having to click the card for more information.

💾 Systems Recovery: We have developed the latest iteration of our system backup and recovery procedure documentation.

🔮 Beginnings of the Wildcard Algorithm: The Mindhive team has begun cementing actions for the upcoming development of the newest iteration of the Wildcard Algorithm. More to come soon!

🐞 Bug fixes

⏱️ Continued Optimization: Mindhive speed and load bearing have been further optimized with new load testing tools.

📆 Key Dates Fix: Fixed an issue where users were unable to properly change the key dates of their discussion.

We hope these updates make your Mindhive experience even better! Enjoy and happy collaborating! 🎉

29 April 2022

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

We're constantly working on improving your Mindhive experience! Here are the latest features and bug fixes we've rolled out:

✨ What’s new

🔗 Magic Link: An improved magic link provides enterprise with the fastest and easiest way to get people engaged.

💌 Emails: Designed and implemented new emails to welcome and guide new Mindhive users, more to come soon!

👥 Participants Display: Improved display and ordering of participants in the admin center of discussions.

💎 Premium Page: Redesigned the premium page for Mindhive users looking to buy a Mindhive premium subscription.

🐞 Bug fixes

⏱️ Optimization: Further optimization of Mindhive speed and load bearing.

📆 Discussion End Dates Fix: Fixed an issue where discussion end dates would roll over to the next day.

🖥️ Description Bounds Fix: Fixed an issue where the contents of a discussion description would continue outside the bounds of the web browser rendering some text unreadable.

We hope you enjoy these updates and continue to collaborate effectively on Mindhive! 🎉

31 March 2022

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

We're excited to share our latest features and bug fixes to enhance your Mindhive experience:

✨ What’s new

💎 New Mindhive Premium Page: Users looking to upgrade their Mindhive account to premium will now be redirected to a new and improved web page.

Updated Times for Discussion Conclusions: Discussions are now scheduled to end at midnight on the day listed as the end date by the discussion creator or admin(s).

🆘 Updated Help Desk: The Mindhive help desk has been updated with new articles and videos.

🩺 New Discussion Category: A “Health” category has now been added to the list of available discussion categories for users looking to create discussions concerning matters of health and wellbeing.

🐞 Bug fixes

🔤 Discussion Titles Fix: Fixed an issue where discussion titles would not fully display in certain UI components.

🔍 Topic Search Bar Fix: Fixed an issue where the topic search bar in challenges would fail to work properly.

💎 Premium User Prompt Fix: Fixed an issue where premium users would continue to receive a prompt to upgrade to premium despite already being a premium user.

We hope you enjoy these updates and continue to have a productive and engaging experience on Mindhive! 🎉

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28 February 2022

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

We're thrilled to announce our latest features and bug fixes to enhance your Mindhive experience:

✨ What’s new

🗑️ Topic and Comment Deletion Feature: Users with admin privileges in a discussion can now delete topics and comments in that same discussion.

🔒 Improved Discussion Controls for Admins: When creating or curating a discussion, admins now have the ability to disable the creation of new topics by non-admin discussion participants.

🔍 Improved Discussion Participant Search Function: When searching for other Mindhive users to join your discussion, you can now load additional results after your initial search query.

📂 Collapsible Comments: The full list of comments listed underneath a topic will now be collapsed into its first 2 results by default, and users can choose to display or hide the full list at the press of a button.

🐞 Bug fixes

Help Icon Fix: Fixed an issue where the help icon (question mark) would not display properly.

🕵️ Mindhive Incognito Account Fix: Fixed an issue where the Mindhive Incognito account would appear on the front page of the featured expert and advisory network.

🚫 Unlaunched Discussion Access Fix: Fixed an issue where discussions that have not launched would be accessible to other users.

We hope you enjoy these updates and continue to have a productive and engaging experience on Mindhive! 🎉

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31 January 2022

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

We're excited to share our latest features and bug fixes to improve your Mindhive experience:

✨ What’s new

🆘 Mindhive Help Page: We've developed a brand new help desk page to assist users in getting the most out of their Mindhive experience, its features, and its community.

🔒 Private Discussion Display: When searching for discussions, any private discussions will now be promptly labeled as such for users.

Easy Access to the Help Desk Page: Users can quickly and easily access the Mindhive help desk from the question mark icon located in the header of the website.

🐞 Bug fixes

🔢 Topic and Ideation Count Fix: Fixed an issue where the number of topics and ideations are not updated when added or deleted.

👥 Community Search Fix: Fixed an issue where searching for other users in the community section would produce blank pages.

🌐 Recommended for You Navigation Fix: Fixed an issue where the recommended for you section of a user's Dashboard would fail to direct them to the discussions section of the Mindhive website.

🖼️ Top Highlight Display Fix: Fixed an issue where the top highlight in a discussion would not display properly.

We hope these updates enhance your experience on Mindhive! Enjoy the new features and improved functionalities. 🎉

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31 December 2021

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

We're excited to share our latest features and bug fixes to improve your Mindhive experience:

✨ What’s new

🚀 Direct Access to Dashboard on Log-In: When users log into Mindhive, they will be taken directly to their personalized dashboard with direct access to their challenges.

👋 Direct Access to Community on Log-Out: When logging out of their account, users will now be taken directly to the Mindhive community section.

🎨 Updated Homepage Banner: Homepage has received a visual upgrade.

🔧 Improved Infrastructure and Error Tracking: Multiple updates have been made to system data infrastructure and error monitoring to make future errors less frequent and easier to resolve.

🐞 Bug fixes

🖼️ Homepage Image Loading Fix: Fixed an issue where homepage images would not load properly and cause performance issues.

🔄 User Workflow Tool Fix: Fixed an issue where users would repeatedly trigger our user workflow tools.

🏆 Top Contributors Display Fix: Fixed an issue where a discussion's top contributors would not display properly.

We hope these updates enhance your experience on Mindhive! Enjoy the new features and improved functionalities. 🎉

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28 October 2021

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

We're excited to share our latest features and bug fixes to improve your Mindhive experience:

✨ What’s new

🔐 Single sign-on: Custom error page created and bug fixes.

📌 Discussion page: Added the ability to pin posts to the top of the discussion for enhanced visibility and CSV upload/download for the audience.

🔍 Search: Initial brainstorming and design sessions for MVP.

📊 Dashboard page: Added new components with "Who to follow", "Recommended for you", "Discussions you created", and other enhancements.

🐞 Bug fixes

📅 Discussion Date Change Fix: Fixed an issue where the discussion dates could not be changed appropriately.

🚀 Performance Fix for Liking Topics and Comments: Fixed a performance issue when liking topics and comments.

🛠️ Custom Error Page Fix: Fixed an issue where the custom error page did not handle the error message.

We hope these updates enhance your experience on Mindhive! Enjoy the new features and improved functionalities. 🎉

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07 October 2021

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

We're excited to share our latest features and bug fixes to improve your Mindhive experience:

✨ What’s new

🔐 Single sign-on: Custom domain set up and several bug fixes.

🖼️ Moderation: Extended the moderation features to images - ability to detect inappropriate images in discussions and profile pictures.

🤖 Helper: Polished the initial MVP - created pages for release notes and in-platform announcements, and updated helpers for a better UX.

🐞 Bug fixes

🌐 Browser Compatibility Fix: Fixed an issue where sign in and sign up were not working properly with different web browsers.

🔄 Profile Image Rotation Fix: Fixed an issue where the profile image was rotated 90° on upload.

🛠️ Discussion Update Fix: Fixed an issue where discussion admins couldn't update the discussion.

Discussion Duration Update Fix: Fixed an issue where discussion durations were not able to be updated.

✉️ Discussion Invite Email Fix: Fixed an issue where discussion invite emails were missing the invitee name.

We hope these updates enhance your experience on Mindhive! Enjoy the new features and improved functionalities. 🎉

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09 September 2021

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

We're excited to share our latest features and bug fixes to improve your Mindhive experience:

✨ What’s new

🔐 Single sign-on: Integration with Auth0 finalized.

🛡️ Moderation: Started and finalized the initial MVP - ability to detect inappropriate content automatically, report, and moderate content.

🤖 Helper: Started and finalized the initial MVP - integrated with Appcues to provide helpers on homepage, new discussion page, and profile page.

✉️ Email comms: Revamped look and feel and wording for consistency across the platform.

🐞 Bug fixes

🚦 Frontend Testing Fix: Fixed an issue where the automated testing for the frontend was not working properly.

📊 Profile Progress Bar Fix: Fixed an issue where the profile progress bar was not working properly for new users.

We hope these updates enhance your experience on Mindhive! Enjoy the new features and improved functionalities. 🎉

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22 July 2021

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

We're excited to share our latest features and bug fixes to improve your Mindhive experience:

✨ What’s new

🔐 Single sign-on: Continued development work and integration with Auth0 - sign in, sign up, and change email.

🛡️ Moderation: Initial investigation on moderation APIs and initial design.

📝 Discussion UI: Several enhancements, including security enhancements on admin UI and resource preview.

🔬 R&D: Final review of R&D strategy and submission.

🐞 Bug fixes

🚦 CICD Pipeline Fix: Fixed an issue where the CICD pipeline for the frontend was not working properly.

🔍 Not Found Display Fix: Fixed an issue where "not found" was not shown on non-existent discussions.

We hope these updates enhance your experience on Mindhive! Enjoy the new features and improved functionalities. 🎉

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1 July 2021

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

We're excited to share our latest features and bug fixes to improve your Mindhive experience:

✨ What’s new

👤 Profile UI: Several enhancements, including a new welcome message, progress bar, and achievements badges.

📜 Discussions list UI: Several enhancements, including days remaining, enterprise logos, and profile previews.

🗣️ Discussion UI: Several enhancements, such as "open to all" as default, a new mobile menu, highlights selected as default, enterprise branding, and editable post titles.

🔬 R&D: Continued review of R&D strategy and initial submission.

🐞 Bug fixes

🔗 Profile Link Fix: Fixed an issue where links to members' profiles were broken.

Double Close Button Fix: Fixed an issue where the UI had two close buttons.

We hope these updates enhance your experience on Mindhive! Enjoy the new features and improved functionalities. 🎉

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11 June 2021

🌟 Mindhive Pty Ltd Release Notes 🌟

We're excited to share our latest features and bug fixes to improve your Mindhive experience:

✨ What’s new

🔐 Single sign-on: Continued development work and integration with Auth0.

📑 ISO27001: Documentation is ongoing, and a security assessment was carried out by BDO.

🏢 Enterprise discussions: Enhanced experience for internal discussions with company white-labeling.

🗣️ Discussion UI: Several enhancements, including preview on rich resources, similar discussions, and time countdown.

🔬 R&D: Initial review of R&D strategy.

🐞 Bug fixes

💌 Wax Invitation Fix: Fixed an issue where Wax invitations were still being sent by email.

🔍 Filter Fix: Fixed an issue where internal/external filters were not working properly.

We hope these updates enhance your experience on Mindhive! Enjoy the new features and improved functionalities. 🎉

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13 May 2021

What’s new

  • Single sign-on: Continued development work and initial migration of users was tested.

  • ISO27001: Documentation is continuing and security assessment was carried out by 3rd party.

  • Enterprise discussions: Introduced the concept of “internal” vs “external” discussions for enterprise clients.

  • Marketplace: Developed initial MVP integration with Communic8.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Wax link (chat integration) was not working.

  • Fixed an issue where password resets were not working when email was capitalised.

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8 April 2021

What’s new

  • Single sign-on: Started development work.

  • Stripe portal: Security patch was applied to protect the API between Mindhive and Stripe.

  • ISO27001: Documentation is continuing and initial implementation of SIEM (Datadog) was finalised.

  • Security: Updated servers and cluster to the latest versions available.

Bug fixes

  • No issues resolved

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23 March 2021

What’s new

  • Notifications: New email was created to notify Mindhivers when discussions are closing soon.

  • Stripe portal: Development completed integrating Stripe’s customer portal and Stripe’s product checkout.

  • ISO27001: Documentation is continuing and implementation of SIEM (Datadog) started.

  • Security: Firewall rules were updated to prevent some exploits from unknown sources.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Stripe’s coupons were not working for monthly plans.

  • Fixed an issue where the “Upgrade” button was visible to Premium users.

  • Fixed an issue where Wax invites were not working properly.

Back to top

26 February 2021

What’s new

  • Single sign-on: Completed scope and ticketing for upcoming development.

  • Stripe portal: Development underway to transition away from our internal gateway to Stripe’s customer portal.

  • Investors: Perk codes generated for Premium membership upgrades.

  • Marketplace: Communic8 API end-points created to pass discussion conclusion data.

  • ISO27001 documentation is continuing.

    • Reviewed policies and procedures prior to submission.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where manually created accounts could not reset passwords.

  • Fixed an issue where some accounts were automatically upgraded to Premium.

Back to top

11 February 2021

What’s new

  • Marketplace: Completed API specifications documentation for the integration of Mindhive conclusions. We’ve partnered with Communic8, a global workforce experience platform that will help us disseminate our discussion outcomes to a bigger crowd.

  • Matchmaking: Developing business cases with potential partners to deliver A.I. capabilities.

  • ISO27001 documentation is continuing.

    • Reviewed policies and procedures prior to submission.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the link behaviour on the homepage carousel banner.

Back to top

29 January 2021

What’s new

  • Implemented a carousel module added to the homepage to drive feature discovery and engagement for machine learning data.

  • ISO27001 documentation is continuing.

    • Completed software development and procurement processes.

    • Completed tests for remote development.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where ampersands were not displaying correctly.

Back to top

15 January 2021

What’s new

  • ISO27001 documentation is continuing.

    • Completed Risk Analysis of web application security standards.

    • Implemented Kubernetes secrets manager for sensitive environment variables.

  • Early-stage scoping of matchmaking capabilities.

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1 January 2021

What’s new

  • ISO27001 documentation is continuing.

    • Completed Secure Development Policy.

    • Completed Secure System Engineering Principles.

  • Implemented malware scanning on uploaded files.

Back to top

18 December 2020

What’s new

  • Discussion conclusions now automatically generate a summary that includes interaction statistics and highlights the top comments and contributors – host input can augment the conclusion with additional insights and closing thoughts.

  • Discussion title now appears in the web browser URL.

  • ISO27001 documentation is continuing.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed discussion UI styling on mobile.

Back to top

4 December 2020

What’s new

  • The discussion interface has been overhauled by consolidating all the background information, resources and participants into one primary view – this reduces the number of clicks required to read all of the discussion onboarding material.

  • Changed the stickied discussion label from trending to featured.

  • When creating a discussion, the ability to toggle a daily host summary email is presented before launching the discussion.

  • The web browser title now matches the discussion description title.

  • ISO27001 documentation is continuing.

Bug fixes

  • In the member profile, fixed an issue where the industry field dropdown didn’t work.

  • Removed copy from the text editing modal that referenced functionality which no longer exists.

Back to top

27 November 2020

What’s new

  • Mobile: A link to signing up has been moved from the menu pop-up to now display directly in the navigation header.

  • If notifications are turned off, they can now be turned on directly from the discussion interface when posting a comment.

  • The discussion interface now features a list of all the topics as side navigation for more precise scanning of comments.

  • Daily host summary emails are not turned off by default.

Bug fixes

  • The topic list now shows more than ten items.

Back to top

23 November 2020

What’s new

  • Updated Rewards & Recognition ranking descriptions from newbie, novice, pro and master to blue, silver, gold and black.

  • Member profile images now have a visual coloured ring around them – the colour reflects the members ranking

  • The profile rings now appear in discussion cards, topics, comments, the featured community page, and member search results.

  • An ‘Achievements’ tab has been added to the member profile page.

  • Three achievements badges have been added: curious, inquisitive, worthy.

  • The curious achievement is awarded when a criterion is met for creating discussions.

  • The inquisitive achievement is awarded when a criterion is met for generating interaction and activity on discussions.

  • The worthy achievement is awarded when a criterion is met when recognised with a special mention in a discussion report.

  • Achievement badges also have progression, as reflected by their colour: blue, silver, gold, and black.

  • HTML sanitisation (backend) has been added to prevent XSS injection.

  • Removed unsafe HTML handling on the frontend.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug when deleting highlights.

  • Fixed bug when calculating insights.

Back to top

2 November 2020

What’s new

  • Discussion page pagination.

  • New component for profile picture upload with new validations and resizing to avoid performance issues.

  • Profile pictures resizing to avoid big files and increased latency.

  • Increased asset expiry to improve performance.

  • Lazy loading on discussions page to improve performance.

  • New home page banner for campaign work.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed image links that directed to Unsplash.

  • Fixed profile cards that incorrectly linked to member profiles.

Back to top

12 October 2020

What’s new

  • Domain migration from blog.mindhive.org to web.mindhive.org.

  • New Mindhive website featuring a new ‘What is Mindhive’, ‘Getting started’, and Pricing.

  • New blog address at web.mindhive.org/blog.

  • Signing up for an account has been streamlined to one form.

  • Password field now features the ability to show and hide what you are typing.

  • Marketing emails are now opt-in.

  • When signing up from a discussion page, upon email verification, you are redirected back to the page you were on.

  • The bell icon now takes you to the dashboard, rather than triggering a notification pop-up panel.

Bug fixes

  • The ‘Discussions you have joined’ panel on the dashboard now correctly displays discussions you have joined.

Back to top

1 October 2020

What’s new

  • Integrated Jest.

  • Created Incognito dialogue test.

  • Removed unnecessary import and renamed import paths.

  • Improved markup and accessibility attributes.

  • Improved accessibility and semantics.

  • Changed default user ID.

  • Reduced perceived load time for profile pages of people following a large number of members.

  • Requested follow data immediately after following a user, to keep state up-to-date.

  • Created sitemap endpoint.

  • Updated sitemap URL.

  • Test using PIP3.

  • Change URLs for live environment.

  • Changed id to user_id instead of profile_id.

  • Avoid duplicate follows/followings

Bug fixes

  • Fix to avoid duplicate to follows and followings.

  • Added missing profile image fallback.

  • Fix to prevent profile edit page components from rendering twice.

  • Fix to preventing notification preference requests from being made multiple times.

  • Fix to styles relating to duplicate components.

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