Spotlight, Case Study Mindhive Spotlight, Case Study Mindhive

Canteen Case Study

Canteen is an Australian not-for-profit that provides free and tailored support to young people aged 12-25 who are impacted by cancer. Whether they are dealing with their own diagnosis, a close family member’s cancer or the death of a loved one, Canteen provides: Connection with peers in similar situations through events and programs, free counseling and individual support, 24/7 online support services for young people and parents access to free information and resources, specialist support services for young cancer patients

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Spotlight, Case Study Mindhive Spotlight, Case Study Mindhive


The Committee recently started trialling a live polling app as part of the attendee experience at events – and the response has been encouraging.

At our recent Inner-City Vitality Report launch, guests were invited to be a part of the conversation through the Mindhive app, Yeah/Nah. Mindhive is a CFB Corporate Member.

The Yeah/Nah polling system encourages users to vote by using “Yeah” and “Nah” responses to a series of questions. For the Inner-City Vitality event, guests were polled on their views about Brisbane’s attractiveness to visitors, the future of the city and working from home.

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Spotlight, Case Study Mindhive Spotlight, Case Study Mindhive

Sports for Social Change - Case Study

There has been an increase in the provision of sport and physical activity opportunities

by S4SC organisations which conduct grass roots sport and physical activities to encourage

communities to become more physically active, as well as achieve broader non-sport outcomes

such as ‘to address the social determinants of health, including increasing social inclusion,

building community capacity, and fostering social change.

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Case Study Team Mindhive Case Study Team Mindhive

Challenges facing the not-for-profit sector: Where do we go from here?

With COVID-19 and other challenges, these past 18 months have been highly disruptive. While vast changes are unsettling, they present opportunities to re-evaluate the effectiveness of the not-for-profit sector.

There has been a lot of commentary on the potential impacts of Covid-19 on health, businesses and the economy, but what does all this mean for Australian charities and the millions of people who rely on these services? In 2021-2022, innovation will be key to charities surviving and thriving. The real impact of the recent disasters and now COVID-19 may likely mean more charities facing non-existence and now is the time to collaborate and partner to support each other.

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